Case Management
Case Management Services
Our Children’s Behavioral Health Home Program works with children aged 0-20 with a diagnosed
mental health disorder and/or developmental delays and who are Maine care eligible. This innovative
approach to care prioritizes the integration of medical and mental health, working with families to establish
individualized goals designed to meet their children’s unique needs.
Our Case Managers provide the following services:
• Referrals for mental health services such as counseling, medication management or in-home
• Advocacy for children within educational systems
• Connections to basic need resources: food, clothing, transportation, housing, etc.
• Identification and connection to recreational activities for children
• Advocacy for systems-involved youth (Juvenile Justice, Child Protective Services)
• Education and coordination with medical care and supports.
The Behavioral Health Home (BHH) delivers integrated care to people who struggle with mental health. Our intent is to involve each client in their own care, so that they will be able to achieve the level of health and wellness that they desire and maintain this success on their own. Our BHH case managers help clients consider their needs around housing, health care, finances, work, education, social and recreation time, and other areas that are important to them. Together clients and case managers use this information to develop a treatment plan made up of individual goals and preferences. The BHH works with natural supports, family members, doctors, nurses, social workers, discharge planners, pharmacists, and others to offer guidance. Case Managers also help people find services and navigate the complex and sometimes intimidating network of social services.
CI delivers much of the same integrated care as BHH to people who live with more severe mental illness
such as Schizophrenia, or who have had multiple hospitalizations due to mental health challenges.
Population Served
Youth aged 0-20 with a diagnosed mental health disorder and/or developmental delays
and who are Maine care eligible.
Adult residents of York and Cumberland County (18 and over) who have been diagnosed with a mental illness and who are covered by categorical Maine Care.
Adult residents of York and Cumberland County (18 and over) who live with more severe mental illness such as Schizophrenia, or who have had multiple hospitalizations due to mental health challenges.
Fax number: 207-893-2086
Chief Clinical Officer